Xena Fan Fiction Recommendations:
Classic Stories: K
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(The) Keeper of my Soul...Always by Alex P.
Recommended by: bedbard - 01.21.01
Genre: Classic
Sex/Violence Content: Alt/PG-13
Length: Incomplete
While Xena leads some villagers on the offensive against a wannabe warlord, the Amazon Queen, needs to sort out some tribal disputes. Upon return to the preposed meeting place her lover and bard is taken by an army of slavers. Nice read so far on the "what happens next" issue. If this story continues in the same style, I would call it a must read.
Keystones in Tapestry by Ambyrhawke Shadowsinger
Recommended by: Rocky - 08.31.99
Genre: Classic
Sex/Violence Content: Alt/PG-13
Length: Short Story, 48 page - complete
Still aching from "Ides of March"? I stumbled across this very tender short story that made me feel better, I'm hoping that it will you too. "Keystones in Tapestry" by Ambyrhawke Shadowsinger is the sharpest piece of speculation on the up coming season that I've seen so far. Explanations about how our heroes will return are very savvy to the point that this could almost be considered a spoiler. Read if you dare. I know you will enjoy it. Warning this is a two hankie tale.
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