Xena Fan Fiction Recommendations:
Classic Stories: B
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Bad Sex by WordWarior
Recommended by: Penumbra - 08.17.01
Genre: Classic
Sex/Violence Content: Alt
Length: Short Story - complete
Awright, this is the reality check! The first sentence grabs you and won't let go until you've guffawed your morning cereal/coffee all over the keyboard because you just can't stop laughing. Have you ever wondered why our beloved grrls, the warrior chick and her nubile sidekick, always manage to have just the most earth-shattering, divine, perfect sex? What if they had a bad day? Here's WordWarior's account on one such bad day, in her inimitable style.
Bargain Hunting by Della Street
Recommended by: P.D. - 08.09.99
Genre: Classic
Sex/Violence Content: Alt
Length: Short Story - complete
Fans with a wry sense of humor will enjoy Bargain Hunting. This tale is timeless and contains the infamous Xena and Gabrielle character banter. Della's characterizations of the Warrior Princess and her chatty companion are right on and guaranteed to bring a smile to your face. Her writing style makes you feel as if you are actually witnessing the events unfold. This fast paced story reminds you of the trust, friendship, caring and loving nature built during the first two seasons of the show. You haven't lived till you've "shopped" with the warrior princess. Just don't make her mad and be sure the product is in good shape and attractively packaged. Most of all, keep a tight hold on your coin purse.
(The) Broken Thread by Ella Quince
Recommended by: Rocky - 09.04.99
Genre: Classic
Sex/Violence Content: Alt
Length: Short Story, 16 pages - complete
This is one of my favorite classic X&G alt short stories. A touch stone for when I think that if I read one more plot less, sex fan fic I will scream! It's a reminder of the true romance that is attractive about this genre in the first place. I tell myself if so many tender emotions can be tucked into one short story then perhaps there will be more. And yes there always is, but this is the one I keep coming back to--to remind myself of that.
The night before a battle Xena is alone by a campfire, Gabrielle is safe in a inn. This is where the same tired scenario stops. A warrior who has suffered a great loss comes to Xena's camp site on a mission of love and circumstance that will leave you pondering long after the story has been read.
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